domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2008

Michael Faraday's World

Faraday's Inventions
Change the paraghaph to the PAST PERFECT TENSE.

Faraday's greatest work __________ _________ (be) with electricity.

In 1821, soon after the Danish chemist, Hans Christian Orsted,

__________ ___________ (discover) the phenomenon of

magnetism, Humphrey Davy and William Hyde Wollaston __________

__________ (try) but ___________ __________ (fail) to design

an electric motor. Faraday, __________ __________ (discuss) the

problem with the two men, __________ __________ (go) on to build

two devices to produce what he __________ __________ (call)

electromagnetic rotation which is a continuous circular motion from the

circular magnetic force around a wire.

Ten years later, in 1831, he __________ __________ (begin) his

great series of experiments in which he _________ __________

(discover) electromagnetic induction. He ___________ _________

(find) that if he moved a magnet through a loop of wire, an electric

current flowed in the wire. The current also flowed if the loop was

moved over a stationary magnet. This ___________ __________(be)

the first transformer (inductor), although Faraday ___________

__________ (use) it only to demonstrate the principle of

electromagnetic induction and did not realize what it would eventually be used for.

His experiments __________ __________ (establish) that a changing

magnetic field __________ __________ (produce) an electric field.

This relation __________ __________ (be) mathematically modeled

by faraday's law, which afterwards __________ __________

(become) one of the four Maxwell equations. These in turn

__________ ___________ (evolve) into the generalization known as

field theory. Faraday then __________ __________ (use) this principle to

construct the first dynamo (in the form of a copper disk rotated

between the poles of a permanent magnet), the predecessor of

modern dynamos and generators.

In 1832, Michael Faraday ___________ __________ (report) that the

quantity of elements ___________ _____________ (be) __________

(separate) by passing an electrical current through a molten or

dissolved salt and ___________ ___________ (be) proportional to

the quantity of current passed through the circuit. This ___________

___________ (become) the basis of the first law of electro sis. He

___________also ____________ (popularize) terminology such as

anode, cathode, electrode, and ion.

In 1845 he also __________ ____________ (discover) the

phenomenon that he named Diamagnetism - a very weak form of

magnetism that __________ only ___________ (be) __________

(exhibit) in the presence of an external magnetic field. This

phenomenon can be used for levitation.

In his work on static electricity, Faraday __________ __________

(demonstrate) that the charge only __________ __________ (reside)

on the exterior of a charged conductor, and exterior charge had no

influence on anything enclosed within a conductor. This is because the

exterior charges __________ __________ (be) _____________

(redistribute) in such a way that the interior fields due to them __________ __________

(be) cancel. This shielding effect is used in what is now known as a Faraday cage.

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